Donegal Famine Relief from the Londonderry Standard 1847

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Published acknowledgements of Relief Assistance received from home and abroad by clergy, gentry and others during the Great Famine extracted from

selected issues of the Londonderry Standard, 1847

January 22 1847

ROBERT MOORE, Churchtown, acknowledges to have received from ANDREW FERGUSON, ESQ., Burt, per REV. R. L. ROGERS, the sum of ten pounds, as his subscription to the Donagh Private Relief Fund


February 5 1847

The Treasurer of the Buncrana Relief Committee acknowledges to have received from the Londonderry Ladies’ Working Association per REV. H. WALLACE [Minister, First Derry Presbyterian Church], ten pounds for the relief of the poor in Desertegney


ROBERT MOORE of Churchtown, acknowledges to have received from ROBERT STEVENSON, ESQ., by ROBERT LEPPER, ESQ, three pounds in aid of the Carndonagh Relief Fund; also two pounds from the REV. DR ALEXANDER of Belfast for the same purpose


February 19 1847

The treasurer of the Buncrana Relief Committee thankfully acknowledges the receipt of ten pounds from the Ladies’ Working Association for the poor of Lower Fahan and Desertegney per REV. JAMES DENHAM [Minister, Great James Street Presbyterian Church, Londonderry]


The REV. GEORGE H. YOUNG [Rector, Clonmany], most gratefully acknowledges the receipt of ten pounds from MRS MERRICK of Roxtown House, Clonmany and Cheltenham, England as her donation to the Clonmany Female Employment Committee (Ladies’ Association) of which she is the very liberal patroness


JOHN CRAIG SEN, ESQ., of Killygordon acknowledges the receipt of eighteen pounds from JAMES T. DAVIDSON, ESQ., Dublin Steam Packet Office, London for the relief of the abject poor of the Parish of Donoughmore, who have no money to purchase meal at a reduced price, cannot avail themselves of the assistance given by the Parochial Relief Committee


The relief committee of Lower Moville have received the following additional donations: The VERY REV. ARCHDEACON GOUGH: one pound; MR. THOMAS McKENNA of Moville: one pound; MR. J. McDIVITT, Moville: one pound; ALEXANDER GRANT ESQ., Derry: one pound; Ladies’ Association, Derry (second donation): ten pounds; REV. HENRY ALLEN, Brighton: five pounds; SIR ARTHUR CHICHESTER, Greencastle (second donation): five pounds


REV. MR CARY acknowledges to have received one pound from A. GRANT ESQ., part of the proceeds of the amateur performers, to the relief fund of Upper Moville MISS PATTON acknowledges the receipt of one pound through MISS DAVENPORT from MR. GRANT for the starving poor of Fannet being part of the proceeds of the amateur performance


April 2 1847

MISS RHODA MANSFIELD most thankfully acknowledges to have received three pounds from some benevolent individuals in Sheffield by the hands of JAMES PEOPLES, ESQ., towards the relief of her poor neighbours in the parish of Aughanunshin


The REV. ROBERT CHICHESTER [Curate, Cloncha] thankfully acknowledges to have received from REV. HENRY OULD, the sum of five pounds for the relief of the destitute in the parish of Cloncha, diocese of Derry


LADY STEWART of Rockhill, Letterkenny thankfully acknowledges to have received from the London Ladies’ Clothing Society, the sum of fifteen pounds, for the relief of the poor of the parish of Tullyaughnish


April 23 1847

The Treasurer of the Buncrana Relief Committee thankfully acknowledges the receipt of fifteen pounds from the Derry Ladies’ Working Association, being their fourth donation for the poor of Lower Fahan and Desertegney


The REV. JOHN CANNING [Presbyterian minister, Malin] acknowledges to have received from the Londonderry Ladies’ Working Association per MISS BROWNE, fifteen pounds for the poor of Malin


The REV. ROBERT L. ROGERS [Presbyterian minister, Carndonagh] acknowledges to have received ten pounds per the secretaries, from the Derry Ladies’ Benevolent Association, their third donation to the funds of the Donagh Relief Committee


May 14 1847

The REV. W. HAWKSHAW thankfully acknowledges the receipt of ten pounds for the poor of Fahan from MR. MICHAEL McFADEN, now of Durborn [Dearborn], America, late a parishioner of Fahan


June 18 1847

MR. EDWARD SMITH gratefully acknowledges the receipt of five pounds from the Ladies’ Working Association for the most destitute poor of Drumskellan, Three Trees, etc


The Treasurer of the Upper Moville School, for the relief of the female poor, begs to acknowledge with thanks, the receipt of five pounds from the Committee of the Ladies’ Working Association of Londonderry


July 2 1847

The REV. SAMUEL REED of Lower Fahan thankfully acknowledges the receipt of a further grant of fifteen pounds in food from the Irish Relief Association to be distributed among the poor of Lower Fahan


MR. JOHN DOUGHERTY, Carndonagh, gratefully acknowledges the receipt of thirty-five barrels of Indian meal ex the JOHN WELSH from the Central Relief Committee of the Society of Friends “for the most necessitous poor” of the parish of Donagh


July 23 1847

The REV. ALEXANDER RENTOUL of Ray, acknowledges the receipt of 31 barrels of kiln dried Indian meal for the poor of his district, from MISS FOSTER, principal of the Female Seminary, Washington, Pennsylvania, and the pupils under her care for which he returns his sincere thanks to these benevolent ladies


The REV. ROBERT L. ROGERS, Carndonagh, thankfully acknowledges to have received from the London Clothing Committee of the Society of Friends per MR. RICHARD ALLEN, Dublin, a bale of most substantial clothes for the poor of his neighbourhood


The REV. SAMUEL CRAIG, Crossroads, thankfully acknowledges the receipt of five barrels of Indian meal from his Worshipful the Mayor and ALEX GWYNNE ESQ., for distribution among the poor of all denominations in his neighbourhood


July 30 1847

The REV. ROBERT L. ROGERS [Presbyterian minister, Carndonagh] thankfully acknowledges to have received from the Central Relief Committee of the Society of Friends, twenty-seven barrels of beans “for those destitute persons of all denominations who from various causes, are excluded from the public relief lists”


The REV. S. ARMOUR [Presbyterian minister, Inch] returns his best thanks to his Worship the Mayor and ALEXANDER GWYN ESQ., for five barrels of meal for the relief of the poor housekeepers in the Island of Inch, being part of a consignment from some benevolent friends in Knockbridge, County Virginia, United States


August 27 1847

The REV. ANDREW LONG, Monreagh, thankfully acknowledges to have received from his Worship the Mayor and ALEX GWYN, ESQ., five barrels of Indian meal for the poor of all denominations in his neighbourhood


MRS WILLIAM STEWART of Killendaragh, Lifford, gratefully acknowledges the receipt of twenty pounds from the Belfast Ladies’ Society which was granted by them for the purpose of employing the industrious poor in her neighbourhood to be repaid by her in linen and knitting. Also, a grant of clothing from the British Ladies’ Clothing Association, for the poor in her district which she gratefully acknowledges


The Killygordon Relief Committee gratefully acknowledges having per REV. FRANCIS J. PORTER of Donagheady from MR. COLWEL PORTER and other friends of Austentown, Ohio, U. States of America, 22 barrels of Indian Corn Meal for the benefit of the poor in this electorate


December 10 1847

The REV. ROBERT GRAY acknowledges with thanks the receipt of twenty new blankets and seven gowns from the RIGHT HON. BARON TEMPLEMORE, by ISAAC COLHOUN, ESQ., for the poor of the Presbyterian Church of Burt, residing on his Lordship’s estate


The REV. JOHN CANNING [Presbyterian minister, Malin] acknowledges to have received from ROBERT L. LOUGHEAD, ESQ., American Consul, Londonderry, seven barrels of meal for the poor of Malin and Carndonagh


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